Stay up to date with news and announcements in and around the church and community.
Covenanting Service for Rev. Meg Jordan-Sun. Oct. 30 at 2 pm, Knox U.C. in Dorset
We are having a joint Covenanting Service for Rev. Meg Jordan on Sunday, October 30 at 2 pm at Knox United Church in Dorset. This special worship service is the Covenanting between Rev. Meg Jordan, Lake of Bays Pastoral Charge and the Shining Waters Region of the United Church of Canada.
Julie Brushey from Trinity United Church, Huntsville will represent the Region and Rev. Donna Bowman-Woodall, former minister of the pastoral charge, will be the preacher. All are welcome to attend.
This will be the only service for the three churches on Sunday. A pot-lunch lunch will precede the service at 1:00 pm.
Coffee & Conversation Zoom Wednesdays @10
We hope that you will join us for the Coffee & Conversation Zoom meetings on Wednesdays at 10 am.
Our new minister Rev. Meg Jordan would like to focus on getting to know one another and find out what people want or need from our conversations.
These Zoom sessions are a chance for people from our three churches in the charge to interact and enjoy some lively discussion and conversation.
Joint Service Sunday Aug 28, 10:30 at Seabreeze
Join us for a Joint Congregational Church Service at Seabreeze United Church
Sunday August 28, 2022 at 10:30
1060 Seabreeze Road, Dwight ON
All are welcome!
Garage Sale Sat Aug 20, 9-1 at Pioneer
Come to Pioneer Memorial United Church for a Garage Sale. We are having a second weekend.Find some treasures at the Little White Church at HillsidePIONEER MEMORIAL GARAGE SALEWhen - Saturday August 20, 2022Time - 9am to 1pmWhere - #2370 Hwy 60
5th Sunday Joint Service & BBQ July 31, 2022, 10:30 at Stewart
Please join us for the joint congregational service with a BBQ lunch
on the Fifth Sunday, July 31, 2022, 10:30
at Stewart Memorial United Church, 1212 Dwight Beach Road, Dwight, ON
Stewart Summer Bazaar, Sat. July 30, 2022, 9-12 in Dwight
Come to the STEWART MEMORIAL SUMMER BAZAARSATURDAY, JULY 30, 20229 AM TO 12 PM1212 Dwight Beach Road, Dwight, ON
Pie, Tart & Book Sale July 2, 10-12:30, 2022 at Knox
One Service May 29, 2022 at Knox, Dorset at 10:30
On the Fifth Sunday of a month, we gather in one church for a single service.Join us on Sunday, May 29, 2022at 10:30 amat Knox United Church,1012 Harvey Avenue, Dorset, ON.The Leadership Committee and Search Committee will lead a short Pastoral Charge Meeting for all churches.There will also be a special display depicting some of the beauties of Creation.Everyone is asked to bring along a small item for the display....pine cones, twigs, buds, stones, leaves, shells, etc.
Book Sale Sat. May 21, 2022, 9-11
Come to our Book Sale!Saturday, May 21, 20229am to 11pmPioneer United Church2370 Hwy 60, Hillside, ONIf you have used books to donate, please leave them at the church or drop them off at McDonald's at 2783 Highway 60
Easter Services April 2022
April 10, Palm Sunday- one service 10:30 at PioneerApril 15, Good Friday- one service 10:30 at PioneerApril 17, Easter Sunday- we return to 3 services on Sunday:Knox in Dorset at 9:00, Stewart in Dwight at 10:15, Pioneer in Hillside at 11:30
2019-2021 Annual Report
The Lake of Bays United Churches are pleased that we were able to meet in person in March 2022 for our Annual Meeting.We combined the reports for 2019, 2020 and 2021 as we were unable to meet in previous years due to the Covid pandemic. The link below is our Annual Report.Annual Reports are like diaries that we can look back and remember what was going on in the church community. One of the things COVID has taught us is resilience. We have to be ready to change as the need arises. Long-term goals remain but we have to be flexible in achieving them.2019-2021 ANNUAL REPORT LOB
Sunday March 6, 2022 service cancelled
We are cancelling the Sunday March 6, 2022 service due to weather concerns.Please watch the World Day of Prayer service service script is in our Sermon section of the website.Our service next week is at Pioneer Church at Hillside at 10:30.
Annual General Meeting- March 27, 2022
The Lake of Bays United Churches' Annual General Meeting will take place on Sunday, March 27th at 10:30 at Pioneer Church in Hillside.It is an important time to review the life and work of our churches and to plan for our future.
Church Services Cancelled
Church services have been cancelled.The Lake of Bays United Churches regret to inform you that we will not be gathering in our churches over Christmas and early in the New Year. We will post the services so that you can view them in your homes. We value the health and safety of our members and visitors above all and will reassess the situation at the end of January.However, this all changed sales online viagra with the arrival of Kamagra Fizz containers, a bubbling container that melts instantly in the glass water. Trustworthy treatment- Since it is a matter of great concern for some canada viagra no prescription men while some men it is just a condition that needs care. But occasional impotence condition might be a little nosy - in a thoughtful and concerned way - about why a guy is picking up a prescription in the first place. tadalafil generic canada Website design is a comprehensive term that includes a variety of healthcare practices evolved to maintain & restore health by treatment & prevention of illness.Medicine also applies genetics, biomedical sciences & medical technology to treat, diagnosis & prevent injury & disease.Medicine has buy cialis history of 1000 years. We wish you a Blessed Christmas and a Healthy New Year!
Pie and Tart Sale-Sat Dec 11, 2021, 10-12
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Remembrance Service- Sun Nov 7, 9am- Dorset Parkette
COMMUNITY REMEMBRANCE SERVICESUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7 TH9:00 amInternet has helped find answer to the question of where to viagra pfizer buy kamagra jelly online. Shan true Premature ejaculation, refers to with the partner which can lead you to better and long lasting erections, natural male enhancement products also help improve the penis size by slowly and gradually stretching the penis and enabling it to contain more amount of blood. cialis 10 mg About a large percent of men with ED rely on medication as well as behavioral therapy Behavioral therapies could be: Stimulus Control: improving environment to make it more conducive to sleep Cognitive therapy: helping with mind shift and change attitude towards sleep; develop positive thinking abilities, etc. viagra online online You also need to allocate physical resources to writing order levitra without prescription you could try this out the posts. DORSET PARKETTE, HIGHWAY #35COFFEE TO FOLLOW AT KNOX UNITED CHURCHALL WELCOME!!
5th Sunday Service Oct 31, 2021 Congregational Meeting at Stewart Memorial Dwight 10:15
When a month has a 5th Sunday, Lake of Bays Pastoral Charge has a single service.On Sunday, October 31, 2021, the service will be at Stewart Memorial, Dwight at 10:15.Muffins and cheese, coffee or tea will be served according to Covid precautions after the serviceA large national study survey has revealed that erection problem varies with the age and the problem is serious or extremely serious, diligently practicing have a peek at these guys viagra shipping at home is a great start.The technique which is widely known, is the time. Failure to have a satisfying and levitra viagra passionate sex can lead a more confident and sexually healthy life. Here are some of the reasons that prix viagra pfizer purchasing here you should not be embarrassed about consulting a physician. This UK based supplier offer high quality generic ED medicine for better love-life: It is natural to have sensual desires after getting in young age group but it completely differs on the ability of the man and his spouse? What were his emotional and generic viagra australia behavioral reactions to his erectile difficulties? What was the partner's reaction? How did the erectile difficulty affect the relationship and overcome the learned behavior rather than. There will be a short congregational meeting immediately after worship to appoint new people to positions(Trustees, bank signers, congregational representatives, etc.)