Stay up to date with news and announcements in and around the church and community.
Pancake Luncheon Tues. March 4, 11:30-1:30 at Pioneer United Church
Come to our Shrove Pancake Tuesday Luncheon at Pioneer Hall, 11:30 to 1:30 pm.
Enjoy conversation, community and a delicious pancake lunch with friends.
All are welcome.
Pioneer Church Hall, #2370 Hwy 60, at Hillside
Sacred Circle Dance at Pioneer-Jan 25, Feb 22, Mar 28, Apr 25, May 23, 6:30-8:00
Please join our Circle Dance as an enjoyable way to connect with one another and the Spirit through simple movement to music from around the world. Thursday, January 25, February 22, March 28, April 25, May 23 from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. We meet on the 4th Thursday of the month.
Rev. Meg Jordan and Star will lead our Circle Dance group. We dance for our own relaxation, joy, growth, awareness and healing, for global peace and earth healing, knowing it makes a difference.
All ages, culture, gender, spiritual beliefs are welcome. Please come dressed in comfortable clothing and be prepared to move gently and joyfully and prayerfully.
Pioneer Church Hall, #2370 Hwy 60, at Hillside
OPP Scam Workshop at Pioneer-Sun. Dec 17, 12:30
Keeping Safe In The World Wide Web Lunch & Police Led Discussion
When: Sunday, December 17, 12:30 (after church which is at 11:30, lunch included)
This is a joint service with Knox United Church and the 9:00 service is cancelled. Stewart, in Dwight will have their 10:15 service as usual.
We are all vulnerable to scams and cyber attacks which can result in a loss of your time, money or even your identity. An OPP officer will speak to us about the steps we can take to keep us secure.
Come for lunch and a presentation to learn about simple solutions that protect us from on-line and telephone scams.
Pioneer Church Hall, #2370 Hwy 60, at Hillside
Sacred Circle Dance at Pioneer-Oct 19, Nov 23, Dec 21, 6:30-8:00
We are offering Sacred Circle Dance as an enjoyable way to connect with one another and the Spirit through simple movement to music from around the world. Thursday, October 19, Thursday, November 23, Thursday, December 21, 2023 from 6:30 to 8:00 pm.
Rev. Meg Jordan and Star will lead our Circle Dance group. We dance for our own relaxation, joy, growth, awareness and healing, for global peace and earth healing, knowing it makes a difference.
All ages, culture, gender, spiritual beliefs are welcome. Please come dressed in comfortable clothing and be prepared to move gently and joyfully and prayerfully.
Pioneer Church Hall, #2370 Hwy 60, at Hillside
Intro to Sacred Circle Dance at Pioneer-Sept 14, 6:30
We are offering an introduction to Sacred Circle Dance as an enjoyable way to connect with one another and the Spirit through simple movement to music from around the world.
Our leader will be Martha Lamon a former resident of Hillside on Penn Lake and a co-leader with Rev. Meg of a Circle Dance group that gathered many years ago at Trinity United Church.
All are welcome. Please come dressed in comfortable clothing and be prepared to move gently and joyfully and prayerfully.
Pioneer Church Hall, #2370 Hwy 60, at Hillside
Thursday September 14, 6:30