Knox United Church New Horizons for Seniors Program Funding Announcement
New Horizons for Seniors Program Funding Announcement
In May 2024, Knox United Church, a part of the three-point Lake of Bays Pastoral Charge in Dorset, Ontario, received most welcome news of a $25,000.00 New Horizons for Seniors Program funding from the Government of Canada. This funding was awarded to assist the Knox UCW Food Rescue Program with much needed repairs and upgrades to better serve its mission of support to those experiencing food insecurity and food scarcity in the greater Dorset community area.
For several years the very successful Knox UCW Food Rescue Program has operated from the outdated and insufficient kitchen and food prep area of the old Church hall. Structural and practical repairs and upgrades were desperately needed. The work undertaken and supported in part by this grant accomplished this and more. The foundation was repaired, structural framing replaced, plumbing and electrical upgraded, underfloor heating and insulation added, sub floor replaced, new flooring throughout, and sink and counters added to complete the renovation. An added benefit was that when framing was exposed, the bathroom was made completely accessible with wide door and safety rails. In all, the work proceeded as planned and according to expectation and specifications.
There were many positives realized along the way that contributed to the success of the project. Perhaps most importantly were the number of Seniors who pitched in and supported both practically and financially. As the last church operating in Dorset, both town and area senior residents rallied and the venture took on a distinct community owned profile. This was most encouraging and we believe it will translate into further community participation and involvement of Seniors.
As a result of the structure and discipline of our Senior project team, the planning and budgeting, fund-raising, construction phases, material orders and deliveries functions were all managed to the expectation, thereby eliminating surprises. Our project was completed by May 20th 2024, on schedule and on budget.
In terms of outcomes, in the short term we were able to put our renovated kitchen, food prep area and community hall immediately back into service as soon as the contractor, tools and materials were cleared away. Our first scheduled day for pie baking on May 28th, brought 17 Senior volunteers together to our new facility and we produced 54 pies. (see photos) Prior to renovations the ageing floor would not have held up such a crowd of happy and productive volunteers.
Long term outcomes anticipated includes an increased number of volunteer participants. With this we will realize an increase in the number of food items prepared and offered to the general public in need. We further anticipate increased use of the renovated space as we open the Community room to other user groups such as yoga for seniors, art classes, book club etc. Along the way it is our belief that the Knox congregation, UCW and Food Rescue Program will all gain widespread popularity and support.
During the life cycle of the project, from the initial planning phase right up through the completion of the work, we noted that it engaged Seniors and inspired them to sign up and suit up to assist. In many cases, people who had not darkened the door of the church were now actively participating in the work and taking pride and ownership of what was being accomplished. A new wind was blowing and Seniors were energized in new and exciting ways. So far, we have exceeded our program goals and expectations.
Surely, we have a good story to tell and it has a happy ending. Shortly after we received confirmation of this funding, we sent out the good news to all volunteers and supporters, being sure to tell them of the partial funding from the New Horizons for Seniors Program. This story will soon be posted on the Lake of Bays Pastoral Charge site and Facebook page. In addition, we invited all donors, supporters and general public to an open house community event on Sunday, June 30th, which was widely attended.
We are very grateful and thank the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program administrators for this vote of confidence and support.