Knox Revitalization Project

For 126 years Knox United Church has brought people in Dorset together to bring value, support and services to the community.  Knox and the United Church Women (UCW) are known for their involvement and support of community events and fundraisers to Knox operational costs and community initiatives.  We are most famous for pie and tart sales.  All these activities attract valuable volunteers from across the community.

Thanks to all our friends and supporters from near and far over $80,000.00 was raised and combined with grants garnered with the help of the Dorset Community Partnership Fund grew to over $100, 00.00. New stairs, ramps, doors and railings are complete and Knox is now accessible to all who are mobility challenged.

Fundraising has begun for Phase 2:  Flooring, Siding and roofing with a focus on the kitchen and community room to ensure that Knox United Church is able to continue its food rescue program in partnership with Robinson’s General Store, The Dorset Community Partnership Fund and Lions Club Dorset can continue to address food insecurity in Dorset and the surrounding community.

Please consider donating to this phase of the Knox Revitalization Project.  Your donation will make a difference in our community.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions you might have. Blessings and good health to all,

Your Knox Revitalization Project Committee

Project Goals and Focus Areas

The fundraising goal for Phase 2: $125,000.
The Revitalization Project will address:

Phase 1:

  • Accessibility for All: Completed.  New stairs, porches, ramps, walkways and railings to entrances.

Phase 2:

  • Green & Sustainable Improvements:  Siding, windows, insulation and septic upgrades with a focus on the kitchen and community room for food rescue and other community outreach programs.

  • Flexible Use of Church Building:  Develop and update interior spaces for multipurpose and flexible usage.  Upgrade kitchen, flooring and storage

Phase 3:

  • Enhance and Increase Capacity for Community Programs:   Continuation of the winter Food Rescue project, random acts of kindness, book clubs, pie fundraisers and senior gift baskets. Explore and develop future opportunities for concerts, art shows, small group meetings, study groups and other programs to serve the community.

  • Preserve Heritage and Church Presence:  Knox has been an integral part of the history of Dorset since 1894.  It is the only remaining church in the village for regular church services, weddings, funerals and special holiday services.

Your donation will ensure that Knox remains a vibrant part of the Dorset Community!

